Four Ways to Deal with Your Old Sex Doll

 Everyone has different reasons for discarding sex dolls. Maybe the reason is that the sex doll is damaged and you need to replace it with a new one, or maybe you have lost the freshness of the big breasted sex doll and want to try a flat chested sex doll...In short, if you don’t know what to do with an old sex doll When looking for answers in this article.


1 Sell


sell sex doll


Believe it or not, there are a significant amount of people looking for used sexual dolls. Throw up an ad on Craigslist and patiently wait for the hurricane of mind-blowing messages. While this is a very easy way to get rid of your once most beloved, don’t forget the reasons why you’re putting up the ad in the first place. Keep the price below 100$ no matter how well you took care of Busty Amy 2.0. And unless you like the spotlight, your identity should be protected. Be careful of people who would try to expose you for something that you’re not. Don’t share personal information and if somebody suspicious is coming to pick up the doll at your place, ask them to park a few blocks away from your house. This way, you won’t have to deal with issues in front of your own home if you feel something is wrong. 


2 Trash or Recycle


throw away sex doll


Don’t just throw her in a garbage bag and call it a day. Some people might think she’s a body and it’s not very good for the environment either. Either way, someone might just bring her back to you with a complaint or fine. Now you’re stuck with a stinky love doll you don’t want and probably some air time on the local news channel. Your best bet is to inquire into recycling options either by contacting sex doll suppliers in which case they might dispose of it for free (even give you some money if you’re lucky) or find a way to legally throw her away/recycle with a waste disposal company. In this case mention the material the doll is made of (Metal, Silicone, TPE or both) and to avoid getting into an awkward situation, call it a mannequin instead of an immobile shagging queen.  If you don’t feel like doing these things, you can always do the easy thing and throw it in your neighbor's trash can. We do not recommend this option unless your neighbors are the show writers of Game of Thrones.





3 Bury


bury sex doll


For the truly romantic, burying your Japanese sex doll is the only way to go. The obvious problem with this option is being perceived as a serial killer by your nosy neighbor Suzy. Then they call the police, the police dig her up while you try to keep your troll face to a minimum. And when Officer Dick is faced with a cum stained Asian sex doll, you unleash a burst of laughter that will haunt Officer Dick till the day he retires. This might seem like fun but it is a huge waste of your valuable time.


So if you do bury Busty Amy 2.0. maybe consider burying a tree on top of her to make it seem like your just planting trees and not bodies. If your neighbor, nosy Suzy asks what you’re doing, just tell her: ‘I’m planting trees to make oxygen, bitch! What are you doing for the environment?’ And she’d be like ‘Well played, Sir!’ And that would be the end of it. Not only did you honor your silicone wife but you also continued the circle of life. From her passing, a strong beautiful tree will rise. It might be a titty tree or a pussy tree, but one thing is for certain, that is going to be one damn sexy tree. Don’t forget to water that beautiful tree and be proud as you are the seed planter. That hardwood came from your hardwood.




4 Donate


donate sex doll


You can donate sex dolls to others or organizations in need. For example, an artist or photographer needs a real doll to act as his model. The film crew also needs real dolls to act as substitutes or corpses. I believe that your chubby sex doll will continue to play more value in these places where she is needed.




Of course, if you have feelings for an old sex doll, before sending her out of the house, you can still take pictures of her at home to commemorate the days you spent together.


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